Wenatchee Valley Erratics

Where the Floods Came Early and Late

Apparently, some of the earliest and some of the latest of the Ice Age Floods roared along the Columbia River through the Wenatchee area. They left fields of giant megaripples on massive point bars along the river, and back-flooded the tributary rivers that fed into the Columbia.

At places like West Bar on the Columbia, it’s easy to recognize where the field of megaripples deposited by the massive early Floods have been cut into by later, smaller (though still huge) Floods during the waning period of the last ice-age.

In the times between, the Okanagan Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet blocked the path of the Columbia River and diverted the Floods down the Moses and Grand Coulees.The Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center offers a wealth of information about the Floods, indigenous peoples in the area, and much more.

Wenatchee Valley Erratics

Interim Pres.
Ken Lacy


Jeff Beckland

Susan Freiberg

Wenatchee Valley Erratics Leadership Changes Are Coming
Major changes are looming for the Wenatchee Valley Erratics Chapter. The chapter president (Brent Cunderla), treasurer (Dan Smith) and publicity person (Susan Freiberg) are all planning to step down in June, 2024. These critical positions don’t involve a lot of time or work, but they are essential.to the health of the chapter. All three are willing to help guide replacements, so if you are willing to learn more about the positions please email the chapter at Wenatchee@iafi.org.

Wenatchee Valley Erratics Chapter monitors current and trending information from USGS, Universities, Colleges and others. Our members include Geology Professionals and Others who host periodic Field Trips, Presentations and Other Events. For more information email us at Wenatchee@iafi.org.

IAFI Wenatchee Valley Erratics Chapter
serves the greater Wenatchee Washington area.

The Erratics Chapter meets the second Tuesday of every other month (beginning with the second month of the year) at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center, 127 S. Mission St, Wenatchee, Wash. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are always free and open to the public.

Please see the Upcoming Events or the General Events Calendar for a listing of all chapter meetings and events.

Our associate, the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center, provides a comfortable 50 passenger air conditioned coach for our tours at a small fee.

We cordially invite you to Join the IAFI Wenatchee Valley Erratics Chapter where you will learn new and amazing things about our surrounding area and have fun too! Members get reduced rates for all our functions – BECOME A MEMBER!

Past Presentations

Erratics Video Presentations

Until we get back on track having Live Presentations again, please enjoy our latest Zoom Past Presentations.

Eye Candy
Wenatchee Valley Erratics News
Events &Chapter Location Map

Upcoming IAFI Events

March 2025
April 2025
Apr 05
April 05, 2025
Fishtrap Lake North Loop, Sprague, WA 99032 United States
Apr 15
April 15, 2025
Cheney Community Library, 610 1st St
Cheney, WA 99004

Chapter Location

Upcoming Chapter Events