Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig

The Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig is an active paleontological excavation site in the Horse Heaven Hills near Kennewick, Washington. It’s a significant project that sheds light on the history of the Ice Age floods in the Tri-Cities area. The dig focuses on the unearthed remains of a Columbian mammoth that lived approximately 17,500 years ago. The mammoth’s carcass was buried in Touchet beds, a geological formation laid down by ancient floods. The site sits at an elevation of 1040 feet above sea level, which is considerably higher than the current elevation of the Columbia River, which is only 350 feet above sea level about 7 miles north. Scientists estimate that Lake Lewis, a massive glacial lake that existed during the Ice Age, reached a maximum surface elevation of over 1200 feet above sea level at the time the mammoth perished. This substantial difference in elevation hints at the immense power of the Ice Age floods that swept across the region. Another fascinating aspect of the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig is the discovery of a vast pile of erratic rocks. Initially thought to be a small cluster, the collection of these displaced rocks has grown to extend into several adjacent dig units. A dig unit, for those unfamiliar with archaeological and paleontological fieldwork, is a standardized square measuring 2 meters by 2 meters that archaeologists and paleontologists use to meticulously excavate and collect data. The MCBones Research Center, a non-profit organization, spearheads the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig. They offer educational tours for schools and other groups, providing a firsthand look at this significant paleontological excavation. These tours are a great opportunity to learn more about the Ice Age floods, mammoths, and the meticulous work of paleontologists. For more information about the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig, including details about tours, visit the MCBones Research Center website at

Volunteers Help Shape the IAFI!

We’re reaching out to ask for your help. As we work toward our mission of promoting public awareness and education about the Ice Age Floods, our chapters have been facing a significant challenge: a shortage of active member volunteers willing to step into leadership roles or assist with essential chapter functions. Many of our current leaders are in their 70s and 80s, and the demands of their roles are becoming challenging. While our dedicated leaders works to maintain our organization’s momentum, we need support to ensure our continued growth and success. Your involvement will be crucial in helping to: Organize events: Assist with planning field trips, chapter functions, and speaker series. Provide administrative support: Help with recordkeeping, website updates, and newsletter contributions. Engage with the community: Connect with local schools and media outlets to spread awareness about our mission. Contribute fresh perspectives: Share your ideas and expertise to help us adapt to a changing world. Here are some ways you can get involved: Volunteer for events: Help plan and execute field trips, workshops, and conferences. Join a committee: Contribute to our leadership team and help make important decisions. Share your expertise: Offer your skills in areas like marketing, communications, or technology. By becoming more involved, you can: Strengthen your chapter: Contribute your time and skills to make your local chapter more vibrant and effective. Share your knowledge: Bring new ideas and contemporary skills to our organization. Support the organization: Help IAFI achieve its goals and become the foremost provider of Ice Age Floods information. No matter your level of experience or commitment, we welcome your participation. Whether you can volunteer a few hours a month or are interested in taking on a leadership role, your involvement will make a significant difference. The involvement of many will lighten the load on the few, and also bring a much-needed infusion of energy and fresh perspectives. We believe that by working together, we can strengthen our organization and better serve our mission of promoting public awareness and education about the Ice Age Floods. Your participation is essential. To get involved, please contact your local chapter through the website

Bitterroot Valley Glacial Erratics

Two glacial erratics in the Bitterroot Valley, the Lone Rock School erratic and the Rome Lane erratic, were deposited during the last high stand of Lake Missoula about 13,000 years ago. Both these glacial erratics are easy to visit. At the extreme Southern end of the Bitterroot Valley is beautiful Lake Como named after its Italian alpine counter part by Father Ravalli a Jesuit Black Robe tasked with bringing literacy and Jesus to the native Salish people in 1845 via St Mary’s Mission in nearby Stevensville. Lake Como is a beautiful place for lunch and a hike/bike on the trail around lake including a beautiful waterfall a the head of the lake. Several mountain glaciers coalesced here and neighboring drainage to make the largest mass of ice calving into the lake south of the Flathead lobe of the Cordilleran ice sheet at Polson. This mass exited the mountains, floated into and calved into Glacial Lake Missoula. This was the primary iceberg generator for the Bitterroot Valley. As they floated out into the lake and melted they dropped large rocks called erratic onto the lake floor, which is now the surface of the valley. Lone Rock School Erratic The easiest one to find is the Lone Rock School erratic.  From Stevensville, proceed north on the Eastside Highway, county road 269, to the junction with county road 268, turn right.  Follow county road 268 until you reach the Lone Rock School on your left; the erratic is the large boulder in front of the south side of the school, and behind the fence (see map below).   The Lone Rock School erratic is 69” tall, 58” wide, 85” long, and weighs in at about 8.5 metric tons or about 18,700 lbs.  This large erratic is a type of granite called quartz monzonite.  The minerals that make up this rock type are, in order of abundance, plagioclase (calcium and/or sodium rich) feldspar, orthoclase (potassium rich) feldspar, biotite (dark mica), and quartz.  If you look closely you will see that the quartz typically stands out in relief with respect to the other minerals and that its surface has been polished to a smooth finish.  This is the result of dense glacial ice grinding over the surface of the rock. Rome Lane Erratic The Rome Lane erratic measures 47” tall, 117” long, 96” wide, and weighs in at about 13 metric tons or about 28,600 lbs.  The Rome Lane erratic is almost identical to the Lone Rock School erratic; it to is quartz monzonite granite with approximately the same minerals and mineral proportions.  The observation that both erratics are of similar rock type suggests that they came from a similar source region.  There are sources of quartz monzonite granite in both the Sapphire and Bitterroot Mountains, which is the source of these erratics?  Since we know that the erratics were carried to the shores of glacial Lake Missoula by glaciers, we can rule out the Sapphires as a possible source because we know that no glaciers in the Sapphire Mountains ever reached the shores of Lake Missoula.  So, the erratics had to come from the Bitterroot Mountains where the quartz monzonite granite lies anywhere between 5 and 20 miles from the ancient shoreline of Lake Missoula.  That means glaciers carried the erratics for distances of up to 20 miles (32.2 km) before reaching the shores of glacial Lake Missoula.  Which at an average velocity of 5 meters per day (normal for most valley glaciers with the exception of rare bursts in velocity up to 75 meters per day) would take about 18 years.  Which Erratic is Oldest? The quartz grains on the surfaces of the Rome Lane erratic are polished to a smooth shine and stand out in relief above the other minerals, similar to the Lone Rock School erratic.  However, the quartz grains exposed on the top surface of the Rome Lane erratic seem to exhibit higher relief than the quartz grains exposed on any other side of the Rome Lane erratic and/or the top surface of the Lone Rock School erratic.  Why is this?  Rainwater is slightly acidic and acidic fluids can break down some minerals, such as feldspar, and turn them into clay.  Quartz, however, is very resistant to acidic fluids and as a result takes longer to break down or weather.  It is this difference in weathering rates between feldspar and quartz that causes the quartz grains to stand higher than the feldspar grains.  So, based on this relationship we can say that the greater the relief between quartz and feldspar on a rock surface, the longer that surface has been exposed to the elements i.e. rain and wind.  With that in mind, which erratic’s top surface has been exposed longer?  If you answered Lone Rock, you are correct.  As it turns out the Lone Rock School erratic was dug up and moved from its original location, about ¾ of a mile to the south of where it sits today, to commemorate the Lone Rock Schools’ centennial in 1985, in fact upon its excavation portions of the erratic broke off and remain buried.  So what is the top surface of the Lone Rock School erratic today may well not have been the top surface before 1985, and our mineral weathering hypothesis fits the facts. 

The Case for Rapid and Recent flooding in the Upper Grand Coulee

24Sep2024 –  This month we are honored to have Dr. Karin Lehnigk, Postdoctoral Researcher at Georgia Tech, as our speaker. Upper Grand Coulee, the largest flood-carved canyon in the Channeled Scabland, has long intrigued scientists and non-scientists alike. Due to its large size, researchers have thought that it likely took multiple glaciations to incise upper Grand Coulee. However, recent geochemical dating and hydraulic simulations of flooding in and around upper Grand Coulee suggest that the canyon was carved by <10 floods, and that this erosion took place entirely during the last Ice Age. The young age and rapid growth of upper Grand Coulee indicates that the Missoula Floods were exceptional agents of landscape change, even compared to other highly-erosive events. The Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington is a perfect location to see how surface processes have changed the appearance of the landscape. Huge glacial outburst floods during the last ice age (Fraser) carved impressive canyons into the basalt bedrock, and the ice, water, and deposited sediment have left a complicated trail to decipher. Karin performed cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating on flood-transported boulders to determine what path the floods took at different points in time. Additionally, she simulated individual flood events by hydraulic modeling over various topographic reconstructions, to constrain the discharges of these floods. Her previous work has focused on river network geometry, using the shapes of fluvial networks on Mars to understand how volcanic activity influenced the movement of water during episodic meltwater floods. Originally from Virginia, Karin was drawn to geomorphology by the range of landscapes she encountered throughout the Mid-Atlantic. She completed her PhD at UMass Amherst, where she studied the landscape impacts of outburst floods in the Channeled Scabland, as well as in Nepal and Norway. She is currently investigating water/sediment interactions in outburst floods in the Himalaya and on Mars, as well as hazards from modern dam-break floods, as a postdoc at Georgia Tech.

October 7 @ 7:00 PM Puget Lobe Chapter Meeting: The case for rapid & recent flooding in upper Grand Coulee

     Dr. Karin Lehnigk The Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington is a perfect location to see how surface processes have changed the appearance of the landscape. Huge glacial outburst floods during the last ice age carved impressive canyons into the basalt bedrock, and the ice, water, and deposited sediment have left a complicated trail to decipher. Karin performed cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating on flood-transported boulders to determine what path the floods took at different points in time. Additionally, she simulated individual flood events by hydraulic modeling over various topographic reconstructions, to constrain the discharges of these floods. Her previous work has focused on river network geometry, using the shapes of fluvial networks on Mars to understand how volcanic activity influenced the movement of water during episodic meltwater floods. In person Bellevue College Main Campus R building room 110                                        Live streamed on Zoom    

Exploring Another Montana Flood

One of Montana’s other floods has been tickling the curiosity of some of our members.. This grew into a desire to plan a trip over to the upper Missouri River to see the channels from the diversion damming and outburst of Glacial Lake Great Falls. Thus, a reconnaissance was planned for 4 people. As the word got out everyone wanted to go and we wound with 14 souls on a loosely planned ‘let’s go over and see what we can find’ trip. The map below portrays Lake Great Falls when the Keewatin lobe of the Laurentide  Continental Ice pushed the Missouri River out of its banks, pushing it south to the ice margin until the ice sealed off on the Bears Paw Mountains, then rapidly snaked off a sub lobe that sealed off on the Highwood Mountains. The lake began to fill to about 600 feet deep over Great Falls. It burst catastrophically at least once, creating the mile wide 500-foot deep Shonkin Sag (AKA Big Sag). This history appears to be a little more complicated than that as we turned up places where the last flood cut previous flood gravels.  MBMG Special Publication 122: Geology of Montana, vol. 1: Geologic History by IAFI member DR Larry Smith is an excellent read for the details. This is a flood channel in soft rock (Cretaceous shale and sands). The lakes along the flood channels are endorheic (allows no outflow to other, external bodies of water or groundwater) so equilibrate by evaporation and are salty like the sea. The presence of these is a major clue the swale or drainage they are in is a flood channel. This is a flood channel in Shonkinite, a peculiar, dark igneous rock that would be basalt if it were not greatly enriched in potassium. Importantly it forms the columnar jointing common in basalt making it subject to plucking and the formation of retreat cataracts and geometry like the Washinton scablands. Note the column size. These are 5 to 10 feet in diameter and weigh many tens of tons but still the high surface area makes them subject to plucking if you have enough water moving quickly. We extracted a piece of Shonkinite gravel with blebs of white felspathoid syenite (like feldspar but having a different structure and much lower silica content) exsolving from Shonkinite magma like oil from water in salad dressing We stayed at Fort Benton, the historic steamship terminus on the Missouri river. Much of this is on private land and the landowner graciously allowed access to our group after being forced to close it due to trash and bad behavior. Lynne Dickman was the persistent silver tongued devil that made this happen. In all this was a very interesting reconnaissance of one of the other Montana floods. Article by Jim Shelden, President, Glacial Lake Missoula Chapter of Ice Age Floods Institute

Discovery Park bluffs tell the story of Seattle’s glacial history

The cliffs at Discovery Park in Seattle offer a glimpse into the past, revealing layers of sediment left behind by advancing and retreating glaciers. This “layer cake” of rock tells the story of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet’s movement over the Seattle area during the most recent ice age. Before we dive into the specific layers, let’s rewind time. Over 100,000 years ago, Seattle’s climate was similar to today, with a river system flowing north. As the Earth’s climate cooled and became wetter, the Cordilleran Ice Sheet began to form in what is now southeast Alaska and British Columbia. Fast forward to around 19,000 years ago. The massive ice sheet reached the Canada-US border, pushing southward and splitting into two lobes. One lobe went southwest down the Strait of Juan de Fuca, while the other, the Puget Lobe, advanced south over the Puget Sound region. When this lobe reached Port Townsend, it blocked the existing river, forming a giant proglacial lake. By 18,000 years ago, the unstoppable ice sheet had overridden the lake and covered Seattle. Water was forced to find a new route south through the Chehalis River system. Around 16,900 years ago, the glacier reached its maximum extent, pushing all the way to Olympia and reaching thicknesses of up to 3,000 feet over Seattle. Now, let’s explore the layers of sediment visible at Discovery Park: Olympia Formation: This is the oldest layer, formed before the most recent glacial advance. It consists of sand, clay, and silt deposited by a river system in a non-glacial environment. Imagine a climate similar to Seattle’s present-day with streams, ponds, and backwaters. Lawton Formation: As the ice sheet approached Seattle, a lake formed at the edge of the glacier. This layer is made up of dark clay deposited on the bottom of that lake. The fine-grained materials suggest deep, calm water. Esperance Formation: As the ice got even closer, the particles deposited changed. This layer consists of sand, with some gravel lenses, deposited by glacial meltwater in a high-energy environment. Vashon Formation: This layer, not visible at this specific location but found nearby, is the glacial till left behind by the retreating ice sheet. It’s a mix of all sorts of materials – clay, silt, sand, pebbles, and boulders – deposited as the glacier melted. These layers at Discovery Park serve as a record of Seattle’s glacial past, offering a window into a time when massive ice sheets ruled the landscape. Click here to read a more detailed article written by Dale Lehman, President of the Puget Lobe Chapter, about this interesting glacial feature.

Hike to Large Erratics in Gingko Petrified Forest State Park

In the approximate center of the state of Washington is the Gingko Petrified Forest State Park. And within the park is a trail, unnamed, which offers opportunities to view evidence of the terrific capabilities of the Ice Age Floods to transport huge boulders and leave huge deposits of rock material.   The trail is off I-90 at exit 136 to the town of Vantage. After exiting the freeway travel north through Vantage for almost a quarter mile and turn right onto Recreation Dr. There is a sign to “Rocky Coulee Recreation Area.” It’s the old Highway 10 leading down to Lake Wanapum. This 0.3 mile section of road from the turn is bisecting the western margin of an eddy flood bar. The bar is about 0.75 mi in length and 0.25 mi in width. It extends down to the recreation area. At the end of this 0.3 mile section of road is the trailhead on your left. Parking is available here. A Discover Pass is required. The road continues another quarter mile to the Rocky Coulee Recreation Area at which restroom facilities are available. You could also park there.  The trail starts along a slope above the Rocky Coulee. The bedrock here is all dark colored basalt. But deposited intermittently on the ground are light colored granitic rocks. Because they are not from this bedrock and are of a different composition than the basalt they are termed erratic. Where did they come from and how did they get here? That is the story of this hike.  The last outburst floods from Glacial Lake Missoula are thought to have happened about 15,000 years ago. Huge chunks of ice, icebergs, broke away and carried whatever rocky material they had impounded during years of emplacement. The icebergs likely came from the Cordilleran Icesheet as it failed. This material was often granitic boulders and cobbles. Erratics here might have come from Rocky Mountain “Belt” bedrock or from glacial ice transporting Columbia-Okanogan valley bedrock and alluvium.  When the flood waters made their way to this location, some 200 miles from their origin near Pend Oreille, they encountered some constrictions in the terrain which slowed their progress. The most significant constriction affecting this area was Wallula Gap, 70 miles south. It was less than 2 miles in width. That sounds like a wide gap but it was enough to prevent free flowing of these huge floods. Another, but less significant one, was Sentinel Gap, 10 miles to the south. Upon the waters slowing, eddies formed and the icebergs got caught up in those. The temporarily impounded water backed up onto these slopes. This resultant body of water has been named Glacial Lake Lewis. Inevitably some of the bergs became grounded on the slopes in the area. The highest erratic here is at 1,263 ft. The maximum water depth was about 800 ft. That’s about 700 ft above the existing water surface of Lake Wanapum reservoir. In the adjacent Schnebly Coulee erratics go up 3.5 miles. It’s estimated Lake Lewis existed and then drained within a few days, probably no more than a week.  Upon the water finally receding through the gaps, with much less energy than upon arriving, the icebergs were left behind. Over time the bergs melted leaving behind their loads. These slopes are littered with hundreds of erratics. As you walk you can spot them along the trail. Most of them are small to moderate in size: less than 3ft². About a quarter of a mile into the hike the road starts taking a 90° right turn. As you round that turn you can see that Rocky Coulee below you takes a sharp turn to the south before again traversing to the east. It is quite possible the slope on which we are standing, a landslide, blocked the coulee and constricted that tributary’s water flow. As the water rose high enough to overcome the barrier it found a newer path to the south of its original course. We’ll see more evidence of the landslide up the trail.  In another quarter mile, about half way to our destination there is a group of erratics on the right of the trail. There is more than one within a 3 foot radius so that makes it a cluster. But with fewer than 10 rocks in a 30 foot transect and the ground surface not greater than 3 feet higher than the surrounding terrain this is defined as a Low Density Erratic Cluster. This is a definition derived by a Central Washington University Masters student, Ryan Karlson in 2006. It incorporates a definition given by Bruce Bjornstad. At this same location you can look to the north and see a head scarp from a translational landslide. This whole hike is on a landslide. Looking to the east you can see hummocky terrain. So, there are 3 signs of landslide on this hike: head scarp, hummocky terrain, and the irregular tributary channel seen earlier.  The soil here is very thin and nutrient poor: lithosol. It forms from weathered basalt, windblown loess, and volcanic ash. (You can still find ash from the 1980 Mt St. Helens eruption). It mainly supports a few species of sagebrush and bunchgrass along with seasonal wild flowers. Among the fauna found here are deer mice and ground squirrels. There are abundant Elk droppings you will see when leaving the trail to reach the destination erratic. I have seen a video of an Elk herd I would estimate was well over a hundred, perhaps two or three hundred running across nearby terrain. It was incredible! Traveling up the trail another quarter of a mile you can see the destination erratic off to the left on the trail. It will take about a quarter of a mile walk off the trail to get to it. This erratic is the single largest one in the park area at 85 ft². It’s 10 feet long and 8.5 feet high. It lies in a High Density Erratic Cluster, so

Unearthing the Secrets of Spokane Valley: A Recap of the IAFI June Jamboree

This year’s IAFI June Jamboree delved into the fascinating geological history of Spokane Valley, contrasting it with the iconic Grand Coulee and Dry Falls, explored during last year’s Jubilee. Challenging the Landscape: Unlike the open spaces of Dry Falls, Spokane Valley presented a unique challenge – showcasing evidence of Ice Age Floods within an urban environment. Our chapter tackled this brilliantly, organizing hikes and car caravans departing from convenient public parks and commercial areas. Evening Explorations: The program’s highlights included captivating lectures. Professor Emeritus Dean Kiefer shed light on J Harlen Bretz’s Spokane associates, while renowned naturalist Jack Nesbit brought the story of the first Columbian Mammoth discovered near Latah Creek in the 1800s to life. Celebrating Success: The Jamboree culminated in a relaxed gathering at Mirabeau Meadows. Registrants, leaders, and participants exchanged insights and experiences, with a resounding appreciation for the chapter’s efforts. Comparisons were drawn, highlighting how our Spokane Valley exploration continued the excellence of the Puget Lobe’s outing at Dry Falls last year. A Delicious Finale: The grand finale was a catered Longhorn Barbecue overflowing with delicious food. Everyone left satisfied, with many even taking home doggie bags to savor the flavors afterward. Check out more images from the event in this Google Photo Album. Meet the Masterminds: Linda & Mike McCollum: This dynamic professor emerita and a research geologist duo co-led tours and car caravans, sharing their latest research on the Spokane area’s Ice Age Floods, and shaping the Jamboree’s theme. Michael Hamilton: A gifted geologist, Michael led hikes and the bus trip, encouraging questions and offering honest answers. Don Chadbourne & Chris Sheeran: Don, the chapter treasurer, managed logistics with expertise, while Chris, our media and registration guru, ensured a smooth experience. Melanie Bell Gibbs: A past president and national board member, Melanie oversaw participant check-in and badge distribution. Dick Jensen: Dick handled bus transportation and provided crucial support throughout the Jamboree. Jim Fox: The chapter vice president secured speakers and offered his assistance wherever needed. We also owe a great deal to the participant volunteers who proved invaluable in assisting us in all our efforts. Through the combined efforts of many the IAFI June Jamboree was a resounding success, fostering exploration, education, and a deeper appreciation for the Spokane Valley’s unique geological heritage. Being present with so much information and conversation among such extensive expertise was to witness the scientific process in action. Meeting people from other chapters was particularly nice, putting faces with names we know.  We all learned a lot.

Scabland – The Movie, A Google Earth Odyssey

“Scabland” – the Movie, A Google Earth Odyssey “Scabland” is a media complement to CWU Professor Nick Zentner’s 2023-2024 A-Z YouTube geology series that re-treads the ice age floods and the work of Professor J Harlen Bretz and others. In this short animation, viewers virtually fly to a selection of locations visited by geologist Dr J Harlen Bretz, with quotes from his original field notes, geolocated in Google Earth and animated with Google Earth Studio. To see more of these locations, visit This video was done as an experiment/prototype by the authors, Glenn Cruickshank and Eric Larson, to showcase Google Earth, virtual special effects techniques, some of the spectacular landforms caused by the floods, the impacts of ice and water during the Last Glacial Maximum and the field locations of J Harlen Bretz. Eric Larson in Billings MT runs Shashin Studio, a VFX video production company ( Google Earth Glenn is a retired photojournalist and consultant in Liberty Lake WA. Credits: Glenn Cruickshank Eric Larson Two Steps From Hell Made with Google Earth and Google Earth Studio. Thanks to The Families of J Harlen Bretz and Thomas Large, Nick Zentner, Glenn Cruickshank, Bruce Bjornstad, The Ice Age Floods Institute, and many others.