Dr. Karin Lehnigk
The Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington is a perfect location to see how surface processes have changed the appearance of the landscape. Huge glacial outburst floods during the last ice age carved impressive canyons into the basalt bedrock, and the ice, water, and deposited sediment have left a complicated trail to decipher. Karin performed cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating on flood-transported boulders to determine what path the floods took at different points in time. Additionally, she simulated individual flood events by hydraulic modeling over various topographic reconstructions, to constrain the discharges of these floods. Her previous work has focused on river network geometry, using the shapes of fluvial networks on Mars to understand how volcanic activity influenced the movement of water during episodic meltwater floods.
In person Bellevue College Main Campus R building room 110
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