Our long time IAFI Membership Manager, Sylvia Thompson and her husband Rick (Lower Columbia Chapter Ex-President), retired in early September and are soon moving to Georgia to be closer to family. We greatly appreciate their incredible contributions to IAFI and wish them all the best.
Meanwhile a new volunteer, Lorrie DeKay, has stepped up to take this important position. and she has been working with our webmaster (her husband) to streamline and hopefully improve our membership processes. She has spent the last month getting familiar with the membership processes, opening a new online bank account, and helping move the membership data to a secure online area, safe from crashed disks or accidental deletion. The registration forms have also been updated to reflect her new contact information.
Lorrie introduced herself on our website saying,
“I’ve been fortunate to have an ‘in house’ geologist for over 40 years. Lloyd’s career enabled us to live in and explore much of the US, Africa and Europe. With retirement came one last move, to Washington State, which we chose for many reasons, not the least of which was its geology. Access to diverse ecosystems within a day’s drive of our home in White Salmon makes our expedition logistics a breeze (often gusty). I’ve enjoyed IAFI trips to Missoula, the Palouse, and Dry Falls, and help edit Lloyd’s IAFI work. With my work on the Columbia River Gorge Commission wrapping up after 2 terms, I now look forward to being more participatory in IAFI as Membership Manager.”
We’re so thankful to Sylvia for all the years she served so well, and we look forward to many more years with Lorrie at the helm.