Our members come from varied and interesting walks of life, yet one bond that we share is our interest in the Ice Age Floods. Whether we’re captivated by the compelling stories of the floods, or the magnificent landscapes they helped create, or wanting to understand what’s behind the land we live in, we all share this common bond. And we all have experiences, insights and passions that would also interest others who share this bond.

The IAFI website and newsletter are always on the lookout for short articles and captivating images related to these experiences, insights and passions that can, and probably should be shared with others. We encourage you to occasionally take a moment to share a short ‘floods’ story about your favorite place, or something you’ve done, or even what the floods places and stories have meant to you. We also want to share news, information and stories from all our widespread chapter areas, so your contributions can help others find, experience or think about something or some place they might have not been aware of before.

We’re interested in short articles, longer than a Facebook post but generally shorter than a magazine article (100-500 words), that even loosely relate to the Ice Age Floods. For example, we’ve featured articles about field excursions, special places to be visited, shared experiences, technical notes, even stories about love found through the IAFI. And don’t worry if you’re not a ‘writer’, our editors will gently mold your story to enhance and fit it to our formats. Also, since images are often worth a thousand words, we strongly encourage you to include a compelling image or two that help tell the story. Just email the story and mages to Newsletter@IAFI.org, and thank you for sharing.