This is a very short summary of our 2024 Year-in-Review report prepared for you, our members, who provide most of our support and much of the reason for the various materials, activities and events we provide. You can read the entire detailed report on our website. 

In 1996, we started with 11 members. At the end of 2024, we have 587 members in 20 US states, Canada and Germany. While we have over six hundred members, most of the work is done by a small number of people. All of your institute and chapter leaders are volunteers. We are always looking for people willing to work with us to help develop and conduct chapter programs.  If you think you might be interested, please contact your chapter president or board members. All help is appreciated, both small and large. 

Member Meeting Field Trip

Our eleven local chapter’s lectures, field trips and hikes are possibly the most effective way we fulfill our mission to inform and educate the public about the Ice Age Floods and their long-lasting impact.  IAFI projects at the Institute board level generally benefit more than one chapter or do work that all chapters might not be able to do by themselves. 

In 2024 we had 37 in-person lectures attended by over 1425 people with many more viewers on YouTube. In addition, our chapters conducted 22 field trips with 735 attendees and 7 hikes with 106 attendees. IAFI also shares resources and knowledge in collaborations and partnerships with over 30 other professional organizations, universities and state/federal agencies to present up-to-date information to our members and communities.  

IAFI is a non-profit organization supported by membership dues, donations, profit from field trips and store sales. Our funds are used for new and existing educational and informative materials and programs related to the Floods story, insurance, contract labor and to cover unplanned expenses. We appreciate your continued support, friendship and membership.

Prepared January 4, 2025, by Gary Ford, IAFI President