Original Lake Lewis Brochure 18″x24″

Individualized brochures for each of the eleven IAFI chapters highlighting several local Floods features have been an Ice Age Floods Institute dream for the past several years, and we’re finally awakening from that dream. It began when the Lake Lewis Chapter produced a stunningly beautiful and informative 18″x24″, 24-panel, 6-fold brochure several years ago that highlighted five “Must See” Floodscapes in the south-central Columbia River Basin. Chapter representatives on the IAFI Board were so taken with the brochure that they all agreed each chapter should produce a similar brochure for their area.

Original Lower Columbia Brochure 18″x24″

Unfortunately a major fly in the ointment was that no other chapter had the professional expertise to do the job. Rick Thompson of the Lower Columbia Chapter poured many frustrating hours over a couple of years into producing a similar brochure for his chapter. He eventually found an incredibly helpful resource in Ken Manske (NorthwestArtMall.com) who compiled Rick’s opus into printable form and got it printed. So now there were two brochures, but at such an expense in time, frustration, and cost that most other chapters were unable or unwilling to take on the task.

Columbia Gorge Brochure 18″x12″

Fortunately, Lloyd DeKay of the Columbia River Gorge Chapter was willing (or crazy enough) to take on the overall project under the guidance of Ken Manske (northwestArtMall.com). Ken offered a critical suggestion to change the format to a 12″x18″, 6-panel, industry-standard tri-fold design that would cost 60% less to print. Based on that suggestion, since last October Lloyd has used Inkscape, an open-source Adobe Illustrator-like program, with input from Ken and each chapter’s representatives, to design and compile new brochures in that format for the Columbia River Gorge, Puget Lobe, Wenatchee Valley Erratics, Glacial Lake Missoula, Palouse Falls, Cheney-Spokane, Coeur du Deluge, Ellensburg chapters and redesign the Lake Lewis and Lower Columbia brochures in the same format. Work is nearly complete on the final Lower Grand Coulee brochure. Because stocks of the general IAFInstitute 9″x12″ tri-fold were running low, that brochure has also been redesigned and printed.

New IAFI Brochure 9″x12″

All 12 brochures are available individually and as a complete set. We can all learn from this exciting set of new brochures, each highlighting five or more local features, to help guide members, their visitors, and tourists in exploring the fascinating story of the Ice Age Floods all along and beyond the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail.