The Wenatchee Valley Erratics Chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute will meet Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 PM, at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center, 127 S. Mission, Wenatchee. Or via Zoom link Webinar ID: 845 2019 7937
Dr. Earl F. Cater, Director of the Douglas County Museum in Waterville, will present “The Geology of Sunset Highway.” Topics he will discuss include:
- Early Euro-American explorations of the Big Bend country;
- Difficulty in getting to Douglas County because of elevation and size;
- Barriers to Euro-American settlement: Rocks and no roads, Banks Lake area’s 800-feet high basalt cliffs, Corbaley Canyon’s fractured gneiss and schist, rockslides from basalt layers;
- Obstacles from glaciation: Yeager Rock and multiple haystack rocks and other glacial features;
- The first stage in Okanogan, March 1884: The Jack Smith story;
- 1913 Declaration of the Sunset Highway as the Red Trail;
- 1926 Declaration of the Sunset Highway as the Yellowstone Trail.
The program is free and open to the public.
Contact information:
Dr. Earl F. Cater
Director, Douglas County Museum
Susan D. Freiberg
Erratics Chapter Publicity