The rock walls of the Columbia Gorge expose layer upon layer of similar appearing Columbia River Basalt. But exposed on those walls and within those layers are features that tell unusual stories of geologic events, cultural history and inspire imaginative tales to those who look with an inquisitive mind.
On this field trip we’ll stop frequently to talk about many of those features and their stories, as we do a 50-mile bus loop through some of the most spectacular scenic vistas the Gorge has to offer. Maars, lahars, pillows, petroglyphs, even an exotic side trip, plus much more, will sharpen your vision and tickle your imagination.
The Gorge in May can be warm or cool, dry or wet, calm or windy, and this 6-7 hour tour will involve several roadside off/on the bus stops and two short walks on paved paths, so dress appropriately with comfortable walking shoes.
Important Notes:
- We’ll stop for lunch at a scenic overview picnic area. An optional box lunch may be ordered with your registration.
- The group size will be limited to ensure an engaging experience for all.
- If the available spaces fill up and there is sufficient waitlist interest, this field trip may be offered again on Sunday, May 4.