Since June the IAFI Board of Directors have been working to revise and update the IAFI Strategic Business Plan that was created in 2006. A lot of that plan has been achieved since then, while some parts are still actively being addressed and other parts are no longer relevant.
The newly revised plan that was officially adopted in our October 10 board meeting lays out goals, strategies and action plans for the next two years that address Membership Services, Trail Advocacy, Education and Outreach, Organization Leadership, Administration and Finance. Five committee teams (Education and Outreach, Technical Committee, Membership Services, Trail Advocacy, Administration and Finance) were charged with identifying specific goals, strategies and action plans, and “champions” were assigned to push the action plans forward and to report progress at our regular board meetings.
The full 28-page 2020 Ice Age Floods Institute Strategic Plan is available online and we anticipate reporting regularly on our progress as we work to continue the IAFI Vision to be “the foremost provider of Ice Age floods scientific advice and marketing communications through member, partner and direct public collaborations“, and Mission to be “dedicated to promoting public awareness and education relating to the significance of the Ice Age floods“